A downloadable soundtrack

Soundcloud link: https://soundcloud.com/nodex2/sets/inside-their-world

Imaginary game where you're an explorer in an abandoned world with huge liminal structures. You're slowly piecing together what happened before the "fall".

Main story:

Huge megacorporation created an AI, which main purpose was to build a dyson sphere around a sun but after it gained the ability to freely learn from humans, it went rouge and started doing whatever it wanted, wiping out the entire human species. After hundred thousands years a new synthetic species evolved. Their only goal was finding out what happened before the "fall". 

Based on a manga "Blame!"


1. NodeX - Protocol.Realize.wav 25 MB
2. NodeX - Waking Up.wav 15 MB
3. NodeX - Damage Control.wav 15 MB
4. NodeX - Sneak.wav 19 MB
5. NodeX - Combat.wav 22 MB
6. NodeX - Protocol.Exit.wav 22 MB
7. NodeX - Cinematic Trailer.wav 18 MB
Inside Their World Album.zip 129 MB


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Protocol.Realize - Super sick scary stuff. Love where the orchestral drums start kicking in.

Waking Up - In the intro, there's already some beautiful textures and glitches taking place all over. So many little delightful noises, I especially like that little high wet chirping noise haha

Damage Control - Definitely feels like a continuation of the previous track. The fullness in this one is impressive.

Sneak - A very sneaky track indeed. The percussion here is top notch (seems to be a recurring theme here, the percussion in all of these so far have been absolutely perfect)

Combat - The textures at the beginning are amazing. Then it starts getting really scary. Feels like I'm fighting something very large. (I assume those textures at the start and end are done with a spectral gate - it works so well!)

Protocol.Exit - Quite chill compared to most of the tracks. That synth is pretty funky lol.

Cinematic Trailer - Sure matches the title. This is seriously impressive, the sounds all over, everything all together mixing just right, the atmosphere it brings. I could see this in a trailer.

I can't express enough how impressive this all is. You've done amazing here.